How to become a member of the American Spice Trade Association


ASTA has served as the voice of the U.S. Spice Industry for over one hundred years, and we have an extensive network of about two hundred members across all sectors of the spice industry. ASTA members enjoy exclusive benefits, including representation in global advocacy efforts, opportunities for networking and education, discounts on events, timely resources, and helpful programs. If spices are important to your business, you need to be a member of ASTA.

How to Join ASTA

Step 1: Determine Your Member Classification

You can join ASTA as an Active Member, Associate Member, or Retailer Member. Your member classification is determined by your type of business. Determination of membership eligibility and categorization is subject to review and approval in accordance with the ASTA Bylaws Article II. Section 1. Membership.

Active Members

Active Members of ASTA are individuals, firms, and corporations that are involved in the direct production, blending, trade, or sale of spices or seasonings. These members must be based in or doing business in the United States. Active members are classified as either Brokers and Agents or Importers, Traders, Processors, Growers, or Distributors. 

Review Active Member Dues

Associate Members

Associate Members of ASTA are individuals, firms, and corporations that are affiliated with the U.S. spice industry and do not otherwise qualify for Active Membership. Associate Members receive all of the same membership benefits as Active Members, but these members are unable to serve as voting members at our annual meeting or on the board. 

Review Associate Member Dues

Retailer Members

Retailer Members of ASTA are individuals, firms, and corporations that are primarily engaged in the retail sale of food, including spices or seasonings, directly to consumers and who are not otherwise engaged in the growing, processing, manufacturing, blending, or wholesale trade of spices and seasonings. 

Review Retailer Member Dues

Step 2: Review Membership Dues

Your member category determines your membership dues.

Dues for Active Members

Active Membership dues vary according to business type. All Active Members submit a categorical dues form annually upon which their dues are based.

Brokers and Agents are firms whose activities include that of acting as Brokers and Agents for the purchase or sale of spices.

Dues for brokers are $4,200 for the first income producer and $1,050 for each additional income producer. 

This designation is for firms whose activities include that of acting as Importers, Traders, Processors, Growers or Distributors of Spices, Dehydrated Onion and Garlic or Oleoresins (or combinations).

Dues for these members are assessed on the number of pounds of spices sold to or purchased in the United States and range from $3,214 to $100,000. Dues for active members are $3,214 for the first 1,000,000 lbs of spices traded. Additional pounds traded (above 1,00,000 pounds) are assessed at a rate of $0.001125 per pound. For example, a company trading 5,200,000 pounds would be assessed $7,939 in annual dues.

Spices are counted on a pound-for-pound basis. Garlic and onion are calculated at a 50% rate and oleoresins at a rate of 10 times. For example, 2,000,000 pounds of garlic and onion will be assessed as 1,00,000 pounds. 1,000 pounds of oleoresins will be assessed as 10,000 pounds.

The ASTA Annual Dues year covers the period of July 1 to June 30. Once your membership application has been approved, you will be billed for the full annual year. Active Member dues are prorated for members who join mid-year; the balance will be applied towards the next annual dues assessment. 

After the first year of membership, Active Member dues are billed for the first half payment on July 1 and the second half payment on December 1.

Dues for Associate Members

Annual dues for Associate Members are $2,500. The ASTA annual dues year covers the period of July 1 to June 30. Once your application is approved, you will be billed for the full annual year. Associate Member dues are not prorated if you join midyear.

Dues for Retailer Members

Annual dues for Retailer Members are $10,000. The annual dues year covers the period of July 1 to June 30. Once your application is approved, you will be billed for the full annual year. Retailer Member dues are not prorated if you join midyear. 

If you have any questions about membership dues, please contact

Step 3: Complete Your Application for Membership

Download and Complete Application Form

Complete our straightforward membership application. Please ensure you have supplied all the required information, including two company references within the spice industry.

Application for Membership

If you are applying for Active Membership, you must complete a Categorical Dues form. This form is only for Active Members.

Submit Your Membership Application

You may mail or email your completed ASTA membership application, which must include a non-refundable $250 application fee to process your application. Please allow 10-15 business days to process your membership application. 

Email your Application

Email your completed application to All emailed applications must include credit card payment information. 

Mail your Application

If paying your application fee by check, please mail your application. Mail your application and payment to:

The American Spice Trade Association
1101 175h Street, N.W., Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036

Pay Annual Membership Dues 

Once your membership application is approved, you will receive an invoice for your annual dues. Please do not submit payment for your dues until you receive this invoice. Your membership is effective once you have paid your annual membership dues.

Step 4: Begin Enjoying ASTA Membership Benefits

Ready to take advantage of your extensive membership benefits? We’re committed to ensuring all our members enjoy these exclusive benefits year-round.

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Download Membership Application

Are you ready to enjoy all the benefits ASTA membership has to offer? Download the Membership Application today.

Frequently Asked Questions about Joining ASTA

Yes! Please complete the categorical dues assessment form and submit it to We can generate a quote based on this information so that you can know exactly how much your membership dues will be. 

ASTA membership is limited to businesses involved with the U.S. spice industry. Your references should be other companies you have done business with who can verify the nature of your business. These references do not have to be current ASTA members.

A company brochure or annual report provides our team with the necessary information to verify your member category. An active website containing up-to-date company information can also serve as your brochure. 

After your membership application is approved, you will be invoiced for a full year’s dues. Active Members pay prorated dues when joining in the middle of the membership year and the prorated amount is applied to the second year’s membership. 

Prorated dues are as follows:

  • July to September: 100% of dues
  • October to December: 75% applied to current year dues, 25% applied to next year
  • January to March: 50% applied to current year dues, 50% applied to next year
  • April to June: 25% applied to current year dues, 75% applied to next year

Associate Member and Retailer Member dues are not prorated.